Monday, December 15, 2014

12x12x12 Pictures Part 1

I enjoy taking pictures and being able to look back on moments, but I try not to get too crazy with it. It really annoys me when I see people at concerts have their phone out the entire show - you gotta experience it! Without experiencing it what good are the pictures?! Anyway, so sometimes I miss cool things, but I'm ok with that. Chelsea posted about a 2014 photo challenge, and I thought it'd be cool to flip back through my photos from the year and reminisce a bit and pick out 12 important photos from the past year. What I liked about the "challenge" especially is this part of the description - "Tell us about your year's greatest lessons, stories, insights, sorrows, and triumphs!" So I picked some pictures that were NOT of happy memories, but are still a part of my 2014 experience. Here we go!

Top Left - the most depressing snowstorm of my LIFE. I'm not a big news/weather watcher, so one morning I took off for Roseburg for an appointment with my electrophysiocardiologist. Slowly, snow started blowing lightly around the highway and kind of out of nowhere traffic just STOPPED. I was checking twitter and the news and there was a really big accident (18 cars + tractor trailer I think) about 30 miles ahead and snow started falling like crazy. I left at 10am I think, made it about 1 hour south by 2pm, turned around and headed back, and got home by about 7 I think. It was TERRIFYING. Roads hadn't been touched and it just kept snowing and traffic basically was not moving. There was one hill where it seriously looked post-apocalyptic - there was one narrow path where you could drive through in a 4 lane highway because cars were just turned every which way, and beyond that barely anybody had been driving so there was snow piled up and ruts everywhere and I am just SO thankful I made it home safe that day. The picture was taken in the original traffic jam where I was questioning all life decisions.

Top Right - HOBY NYCentral, my home! This picture combines a great view of Lake Ontario at Camp Hollis, and the Mattecini twins! We tried convincing the ambassadors that Andrew and "Randrew" were twins with moderate success.

Middle Left - Kevin came to visit this summer and we were able to go to the coast and see some HOBY friends. These are our happy birthday faces.

Middle Right - HOBY Oregon facilitators. Enough said.

Bottom Left - ok so I didn't TAKE this picture but it is one of my favorite for sure of the year. This was taken at MusicFest Northwest (MFNW). A few months beforehand I realized I absolutely love the band Man Man and was determined to see them at MFNW. I actually skipped the band playing at the other stage before them and listened to their soundcheck instead so I could be up front and can I say worth ittttttttt!! First off, Honus Honus is so friggin cute. They started their set and he's jumping on amps and stuff, and before I know it in the middle of the first song he comes over and puts his hand on my head and his head on his hand and is singing like he's praying for me. It was kind of awesome and their whole set was amazing.

Bottom Right - Sometimes I forget that I'm an adult and if I want to do something, I can do it. I was going through a bit of a rough time this fall and of Montreal was coming to town. Obviously I had tickets for the Portland and Seattle shows which I got months beforehand. I had some time off and felt like I needed to get away and be by myself and clear my head... so I drove to Boise to see of Montreal before they came to Portland. It was super spur of the moment and I didn't really discuss it with many people, it just felt so right to do at the time, and I didn't need anybody's permission to do it if I wanted and I felt like I needed it. So I just drove ridiculously far. The show in Boise was... different. Definitely not a Portland show. of Montreal has been such an important band to me the past 10 years and listening to them as I drove through the mountains of eastern Oregon where I can't even tell you how many tumbleweeds rolled by really helped me sort things out in my head. Oh and this is Kevin being Falcon Vein. I love that man. 

Thanks again Chelsea for the idea! I'll be back soon for part 2!

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